my Dreambook! Sign my Dreambook! |
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Assembly of the Sacred Wheel | The homepage for the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel, a Wiccan tradition based in the MidAtlantic Region. Sponsors open events including the Between The Worlds conference. |
The Celtic Corner | A Celtic Wiccan website. I have been practicing Wicca for almost three years with a heavy Celtic influence. My site has original Pagan graphics and news stories relating to religion, free speech and Mother Earth. I also include an essay on each Sabbat as they come up. Blessed be! |
A Magical Merfolk and Faekith Vale | An Enchanted Isle Sanctuary of cultural, racial, spiritual unity & diversity & gender equality of rights & freedoms - where all beings may live in love & harmony. We believe the Fae appear in many forms, shapes & sizes, as they desire to & that they have dealings with many cultures, in various levels of reality. |
"About Wicca" | "About Wicca" details the basics of Wicca, including history, beliefs, and practices. It also describes the basics of the Wiccan School of Natural Theology, run by the author of the page, Lori L. Y. Peterson. |
The Church of Iron Oak, ATC | The Church of Iron Oak, ATC is located in East Central Florida and has been in existance since 1992. We have several covens and teaching groves. We also sponsor the Florida Pagan Gathering. We are also the East Coast represeintatives for the Aquarian Tabernacle Church, an international English Traditional church. Contact Zoing & Crystal at A HREF="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected] |
The City Witch | This is a newly established site that is geared toward helping the beginning Witch and Witches living withing the confines of a city.� Humor, references and resources are availible and more is to come. |
COGWeb | The Covenant of the Goddess is an organization of autonomous Wiccan covens of many traditions. Our site has basic information as well as contacts throughout the United States and Canada. |
Covenant of The Mithril Star | Web site of the Covenant of The Mithril Star, a thelemic tradition of Witchcraft influenced by Science Fiction, Fantasy, Celtic reconstructionism, the intentional community movement, the poly-fidelety movement and a Breton family shamanic tradition |
Covenant of Rhiannon Community: The Witches of Cape May | A Welsh Faerie tradition coven, located in Cape May, NJ...articles on Welsh Mythology and Faerie Shamanism, an online bookstore, chatroom and forum. |
Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) | We are a network of chapters affiliated with Unitarian Universalist Churches around the United States. We are a meeting place for those seeking more connection with the earth-centered religions. |
The Ecclasian Fellowship | The Ecclasian Fellowship is a Wiccan tradition based in Southern California. We are an outreach group who serve our community through a structured teaching program and public sabbats. We are a member of the Covanant of the Goddess. |
ECHOES | ...here...listen...the Magicks call...Tending & Tapping and the Responsibilities thereof, Ways For You To Be Active!...The Magicks need you. ECHOES can help. |
Enter the World of Majikalone | A Pagan and Wiccan site devoted to following the path of the Goddess |
Forest Glen Coven of Wicca's Home Page | = Forest Glen Coven of Wicca is a Coven located in the Birmingham, Alabama area, and its practices follow an Eclectic American Tradition of Wicca. |
Frater Gwydion's Magickal Gateways | Site about Slavic Paganism, traditional witchcraft and traditional serbian herbal medicine. |
The Goddess Realm | The Goddess realm is an informational outline of, but not limited to, Dianic Wicca and its right in the World. It is meant to bring awareness of the growing religion and what you can do to help the revolution. |
Grove of the Southern Pentacle | Eclectic Wiccan Grove, Practicing Active Grove. Sabbats Esbats meetings twice a month in Lake Charles Louisiana. check us out!! |
Gwions Pagan Pages | Pagan pages for all levels. Includes message board & chat room. Tutorials in paganism, BOS, Celtic calendar, sabbaths, esbats, stone, herb, crystal and candle magick. Also includes meditations. |
Kore's Garden | This site is dedicated to exploring all aspects of witchcraft, from the first wanderings to deeper visions for those who already know a bit. Less of a "how to" page, it mainly concentrates on the philosophy of witchcraft, meditations, and goddesslore. |
Lady Vivian's Cauldron | A place for new seekers to find basic information on Wicca. Included subjects are: Colors, Correspondences, Music, Hearth and Home, Candle Magick, Wheel of the Year, Dedication, Charges, Herbs and Amulets, Craft Tools, Meditation Lessons, Magical Baths, Message Board, Chat Room, Free Online Postcards |
Moonfire's Home Page | A pagan resource and informational site, primarily geared to education about the Gardnerian Tradition. |
Onyx Dimensions | A Heathen informational resource with over 400 inhouse webpages. Subjects covered include traditional Witchcraft, herbalism, Celtic folklore, anthropology, runes, Viking culture, and history |
Pagans place on the web web web | Pagans place is a site aimed at beginners and solitary wiccans alike. Though with allot of information for the advanced student as well. It has an online BoS and a good listing of herbs and herbal remedies. |
Pair Dynion Grove of the Old Religion | The Online Home of Pair Dynion Grove of the Old Religion located in the metro Atlanta area.� Traditional Prytani Witchcraft.� A portrait of the Grove, its structure and practices.� Includes essays on related topics, calander and contact information.� In service to the Elder Gods and their Children. |
Rubymoon's Web Coven | Wiccan site for anyone including the curious. Includes poetry, a Book of Shadows, a chat room, a message board, chants, etc. All info is supplied by visitors to the site. |
The Sacred Grove of the Oak | This is the home of The Sacred Grove of the Oak. We are a small group of Traditionalist Celts in the Salt Lake City, Utah area. Our site is setup for those who are curious about us and wish to Contact Zoing & Crystal as well as or related covens. |
Scotican Wicca: A Solitary Tradition | Scotican Wicca is a tradition for solitary witches. The key influences are PectiWita (Scottish WitchCraft), Kitchen Witchery, Ceremonial Wicca, and continuing education in all religious systems. |
StarFire Rising | Information on traditional initiatory Wicca and on the StarKindler Tradition of Wicca. |
Tangled Moon Coven Website | We are an eclectic Wiccan teaching coven, dedicated to training competent, caring Wiccan clergy, and to providing a safe space for others of like mind to celebrate the old ways. We have included our bylaws, student syllabus, recommended reading list, counseling resources, and some things to make you go "hmmmm". |
Temple Caer Sidi | A serene, non-threatening place to exchange ideas, explore ritual, get ideas on pagan parenting, ask questions, examine theology.and learn about Coven-based Wicca. |
Temple of the Shrine of Isis | Temple that teaches Egyptian Mysteries. Correspondence Courses in Wicca 101 and Pastoral Skills. Monthly newsletter "Free Your Mind!". Other projects: "Gay Wiccans of America", and "Sacred Spirit Healing Center." |
The Virtual Circle | We are the MoonPath Chapter of the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans. We provide an entry point for the Solitary Practitioner of the "old Religion" and strive to hold one Open Circle each month. |
#wiccanway homepage | Our site acts as an information centre for wiccans seeking further knowledge, from beginners to advanced practitioners |
The Whispering Stones | We are a Pagan/Wiccansite of many Traditions and Denominations that Gather together for Communication and Communion,With the Seeker in Mind. |
The Witches' Web | Home to the Witches' Web of Days (an online book of days), the Witches' Web also features chat, articles, and over 600 annotated links. |
Wolf Spirit Congregation | A wiccan congregation offering classes and other services on-line |
Wylde Orchid | Wylde Orchid spins an erotic web of prose, poetry and tales of enchantment.�Works are based on the varioius pagan traditions with hints of tantric and sacred sexuality overtones.�This is a work in progress and will grow as time and resources permit. |
The Zodiac Bistro | An open and interactive enviroment where those who are interested in things Pagan and Wiccan can come to share ideas and to discover information that they may have been seeking. |
Background and design look and feel © 1999 Crystal & Zoing All rights reserved. Wanna be listed? Contact Zoing & Crystal |